Digital Signature Certificate forms

Board Resolution
A board resolution is a formal document that outlines the decisions made by a company's board of directors. When discussing a board resolution in the context of a digital signature certificate (DSC), it's important to understand the relationship between the two.
Signature Encryption Government
Signature encryption, particularly in the context of government use, involves the use of cryptographic techniques to ensure the authenticity, integrity, and non-repudiation of digital documents and communications.
Authorization Letter
An authorization letter is a formal document granting permission for an individual or entity to perform a specific action or access information on behalf of the author. It is used in various scenarios, such as business transactions, etc
ID Proof Letter
An ID proof letter is a formal document used to verify an individual's identity for administrative or legal processes like opening a bank account, enrolling in school, or applying for a job. It is issued by an authorized institution or individual who can confirm the person's identity.
Signature Encryption Individual
Signature encryption for individuals involves using digital signatures and encryption technologies to secure personal electronic communications and documents.
Signature Encryption Organization
Signature encryption within an organization uses digital signatures and encryption to secure electronic communications, documents, and transactions. This ensures the authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality of exchanged information.